Raise your hand if cold snacks are your go-to when it’s hot outsideIt’s like a…
Raise your hand if cold snacks are your go-to when it’s hot outside??♀️
It’s like an inferno in #phoenix right now and I also don’t know what it is but bananas ? never seem to last very long in my house. They almost always go brown before I can eat them all. So I’ve had to come up with some creative ways to keep them feeling fresh.
Most of the time I just peel them and freeze them for smoothies but I was craving chocolate ? and we all know you need to satisfy that craving.
So I decided to try some chocolate ? covered bananas ? with almond butter.
The process isn’t all that hard but it can be a little messy. Slice up the bananas ? and line a tray with parchment paper. Take two slices of banana and spread almond butter between them. Then comes the messy part. Grab a toothpick and use it to dip the banana sandwich in the melted chocolate. Line parchment paper with the chocolate dipped sandwiches and freeze.
These turned out to be a great addition to my summer stash of cold snacks. What’s one of your favorites?
Creds @drclaudiatfelty ✨
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