CINNAMON BUN PANCAKES!! Had to make a stack today….to celebrate BEING AN AUNTI…

CINNAMON BUN PANCAKES!! Had to make a stack today….to celebrate BEING AN AUNTI…

CINNAMON BUN PANCAKES!! Had to make a stack today….to celebrate BEING AN AUNTIE! My nephew was born at 4:47 this morning ???? so excited. I’m spending my day setting my intentions for the new year and relaxing at home, staying warm! How are you ending 2017? Any goals for the new year? • • •…

Skinny Bun Sandwich ⠀
*Swipe and see below for the recipe Step-by-Step⠀
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Skinny Bun Sandwich ⠀ *Swipe and see below for the recipe Step-by-Step⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Ma…

Skinny Bun Sandwich ????⠀ *Swipe and see below for the recipe Step-by-Step??‍?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Make these delicious skinny “buns” egg sandwiches for any meal this week by @cleanfoodcrush! Loaded with nutrients, protein and satisfying healthy fats…all ready in about 10 minutes! ~ 400 Calories⠀ makes 2 servings⠀ ⠀ Ingredients:⠀ 4 large free-range eggs ⠀…