Mexico City will always feel like home to me. The people, the rich culture, the …

Mexico City will always feel like home to me. The people, the rich culture, the …

[ad_1] Mexico City will always feel like home to me. The people, the rich culture, the lush trees, the music, the food, and yes even the chaos of loud cars…I love it all. Forever proud to be raised by Mexican parents and for always keeping me rooted in my culture. This trip in particular has…

It’s a TOASTY TUESDAY! Been running around doing errands in the city all morning…

It’s a TOASTY TUESDAY! Been running around doing errands in the city all morning…

[ad_1] It’s a TOASTY TUESDAY! Been running around doing errands in the city all morning but sharing these toasts I made over the weekend that were BOMB! Including sharing the 2 ingredient recipe for this no-sugar chocolate spread using @nuzest_usa (Use code “infinitefood” for discount!) xIt’s so nice outside so I’m hoping to get out…

Detox Chicken Soup
{We are heading up to Park City, and there is a winter storm…

Detox Chicken Soup {We are heading up to Park City, and there is a winter storm…

[ad_1] Detox Chicken Soup ❄☃? {We are heading up to Park City, and there is a winter storm warning for over a foot of snow tonight! Brrrr… I’m soooo in the mood for soup! What about you? Try this one out! It’s packed with veggies + lean protein. Great soup for cleansing your body, reducing…