slow mornings with coffee in one hand and a forkful of juicy blueberry pancakes …

slow mornings with coffee in one hand and a forkful of juicy blueberry pancakes …

[ad_1] slow mornings with coffee in one hand and a forkful of juicy blueberry pancakes in the other is the only reason i get out of bed in the weekend?☕️? anyone with me? i used to force myself to wake up early on the weekends so that i could follow a rigid eating schedule, have…

all i want for christmas, is big bowls of CAULIFLOWER VANILLA OATS and big mugs…

all i want for christmas, is big bowls of CAULIFLOWER VANILLA OATS and big mugs…

[ad_1] ? all i want for christmas, is big bowls of CAULIFLOWER VANILLA OATS and big mugs of coffee☕️?? but seriously though, you can make me reeeeal happy with these two things☺️ getting back into the grind after eating way too much chocolate and cookies last night with this nourishing bowl? this whole concept of…

I’ve been thinking a lot about Instagram lately–about what my purpose is here. …

I’ve been thinking a lot about Instagram lately–about what my purpose is here. …

I’ve been thinking a lot about Instagram lately–about what my purpose is here. I’m here to share my passion for healthy eating and to inspire others with creative ways to do so…but it doesn’t define me…there’s so much more to me than pretty plates of food. Food is my outlet to express my feelings, and…