Bismillah .. Healthy combination for my breakfast today .. scrambledeggs, avocad…

Bismillah .. Healthy combination for my breakfast today .. scrambledeggs, avocad…

[ad_1] Bismillah .. Healthy combination for my breakfast today .. scrambledeggs, avocado, and lollorossalettuce .. Simple and healthy, lots of vitamins and fibers .. #scrambledeggs #avocado #lollorossalettuce #oliveoil #seasalt #healthybreakfast #healthybreakfastideas #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #instafood #foodstagram #postworkoutmeal #healthymenu #sarapanpagisehat #makansehat #makanbergizi #fattofit #fatloss #weightloss #fitness #fitnesswomen [ad_2] Source


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Yay or Nay??
.SAVE THIS 5 ingredient BANANA  BREAD coming at you today…

Yay or Nay?? .SAVE THIS 5 ingredient BANANA BREAD coming at you today… . Thi…

[ad_1] Yay or Nay?? ??? . SAVE THIS 5 ingredient BANANA ? BREAD coming at you today… . This is just so simple to make yet so delicious… ?? . What you will need: •2 eggs •3 bananas the riper the better peeled •2 cup oats •¼ cup of honey or alt sweetener •1tsp baking…

-120 gm macaroni kering, rebuskan.
-½ bawa…

RESEPI MACARONI BAKAR (3kali serving) -120 gm macaroni kering, rebuskan. -½ bawa…

[ad_1] RESEPI MACARONI BAKAR (3kali serving) -120 gm macaroni kering, rebuskan. -½ bawang holland -2 ulas bawang putih -1 sudu serbuk kari -1 ketul dada ayam -rebus kosong & carikkan -4biji telor -150 ml lowfat/fresh milk -carrot, brokoli, capsicum Tumiskan bawang,masukkan serbuk kari. Masukkan sayuran. Tambahkan garam. Masukkan isi ayam dicarik. Tutup api masukkan ke…

Awesome .
Tag a friend and comment to motivate them
Steak Salad wi…

Awesome . Follow Tag a friend and comment to motivate them Steak Salad wi…

[ad_1] Awesome ???. Follow ➡@goodfood2.0 ? Tag a friend and comment to motivate them ? ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖ ? Steak Salad with Marinated Red Onions ~ grilled strip steak or any steak, softly cooked eggs, chopped tomatoes, avocado, hearts of palm, and radishes, then drizzled with an avocado cilantro dressing. I prefer my steak on the…

Who wants some Sweet Potato Gnocchi w/Spinach ??! . . . . . . . . . . …

[ad_1] Who wants some Sweet Potato Gnocchi w/Spinach ???! . ? @charleyshealth . . . . . . . . . #health #healthy #healthyfood #healhyeats #healthyeating #healthyfoodie #healthylife #eatwell #eathealthy #healthyrecipes #healthyvegan #healthysnacks #vegan #fitness #healthytreats #fitfoodie #fitfam #fitnessfood #fitnessgirl #healthybody #healthydiet #fatloss #healthyrecipes #healthymeals #foodblogger #foodphotography #fitnessblogger #feedfeed @thefeedfeed [ad_2] Source