In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

Just incase you needed this reminder – no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jerry.⠀ Love this post from @thefashionfitnessfoodie ?⠀ ⠀ ‘Emotional eating’ tends to fall into the category of shit-people-feel-pressured-to-stop-doing-to-be-fitness. (Alongside beige food and having a fully functioning social life.)⠀ ⠀ I thought I’d give you my…

I totally forgot I had millet in my store cupboard (pantry for Americans ) so of…

I totally forgot I had millet in my store cupboard (pantry for Americans ) so of…

[ad_1] I totally forgot I had millet in my store cupboard (pantry for Americans ?) so of course I had to make some. Din din today is steamed millet with a spinach, mushroom and ? stew. This was so filling and so good ? ~ Is anyone going to London VegFest tomorrow? I’m going to…

The craving for pesto pasta has been real. Unfortunately I forgot to pack some n…

The craving for pesto pasta has been real. Unfortunately I forgot to pack some n…

[ad_1] The craving for pesto pasta has been real. Unfortunately I forgot to pack some nutritional yeast and I still haven’t found any here in Lagos ? I found a really amazing farm with lots of fresh herbs and vegetables (will share more details with you soon), the basil looked so amazing I had to…

Ah, it has been a minute since I made a Buddha bowl! I almost forgot how delicio…

Ah, it has been a minute since I made a Buddha bowl! I almost forgot how delicio…

[ad_1] Ah, it has been a minute since I made a Buddha bowl! I almost forgot how delicious they can be and how much fun they are to put together. Today, I’ve gone for one of my all-time favourite recipes, chipotle chickpeas, and I’ve served it alongside wholegrain, wild and red rice, ?, grated ??…