In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

Just incase you needed this reminder – no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jerry.⠀
Love this post from @thefashionfitnessfoodie ?⠀

‘Emotional eating’ tends to fall into the category of shit-people-feel-pressured-to-stop-doing-to-be-fitness. (Alongside beige food and having a fully functioning social life.)⠀

I thought I’d give you my unsolicited thoughts;⠀

1. Food is engrained in most cultures. Eating when we are feeling emotive is a very, very natural part of the way we live our lives today. Generally speaking, this is not a ‘condition’ we need to fix.⠀

2. There’s this trend I’m seeing lately preaching ‘FooD iS FueL’. Whilst I mostly agree and I think it has good intentions, it can indirectly created guilt around eating for short-term enjoyment. Because sure, consuming food means we can survive. But we have taste buds Simon. And food is bloody delicious. ??? There is categorically nothing wrong with eating food because it brings us pleasure. (I’d say it’s more problematic if you’re eating food you hate.)⠀

3. And when times get tough, there are far, far worse things you could do than use food as a temporary coping mechanism.⠀

I think it’s also v relevant to say *of course* there are exceptions to this. Solely relying on food for happiness for a prolonged period of time, bingeing regularly to the point of discomfort and overwhelming feelings of being ‘out of control’ around food are not things to be brushed off with a well-meaning instagram caption. ⠀
But ordering up a dominoes because you’ve had an exceptionally bad day at work, or eating a tub ice cream because you’re having a shitty break up can be pretty wonderful tool (alongside other things) to have in your metaphorical feel-good toolbox. Which is a privilege not everyone gets.⠀
Credit @thefashionfitnessfoodie ?⠀
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Hey there, just in case you needed a little reminder – Ben and Jerry have been there for us through some of the toughest breakups. It’s like they have magical powers to heal a broken heart, am I right? Shoutout to @thefashionfitnessfoodie for understanding the true power of emotional eating.

You know, there’s this whole stigma around emotional eating being something we need to avoid at all costs to maintain our fitness goals. But let’s be real here, food is a huge part of our culture and eating when we’re feeling some type of way is totally natural. It’s not something we need to fix, it’s just a part of being human.

Lately, there’s been this trend pushing the idea that “food is fuel”, which is all fine and dandy, but it can make us feel guilty for enjoying food just for the pleasure of it. But hey, we have taste buds for a reason, right? Food is delicious and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with eating for pleasure.

And let’s not forget that when things get tough, turning to food as a temporary coping mechanism is not the end of the world. I mean, there are way worse things you could do, am I right? Sometimes a tub of ice cream is just what the doctor ordered after a crappy breakup.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Relying solely on food for happiness or bingeing to the point of discomfort is not healthy. But treating yourself to some comfort food after a rough day can be a wonderful tool to have in your feel-good toolbox.

So, next time you’re feeling down, don’t be afraid to order that pizza or indulge in some ice cream. Life’s too short to deprive yourself of simple pleasures. Thanks to @thefashionfitnessfoodie for spreading this message of self-care through indulgence. Keep on treating yourself, you deserve it! #treatyourself #comfortfoodhealsall #benandjerryforever ???


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