Yet another GREAT FIND! You should be meeting your Carb Macro with Veggies! Frui…

Yet another GREAT FIND! You should be meeting your Carb Macro with Veggies! Frui…

[ad_1] Yet another GREAT FIND! You should be meeting your Carb Macro with Veggies! Fruits as well BUT in Extreme MODERATION. FRUITS are HIGH in Carbs and if overdone, CAN & WILL kick you out of Ketosis ( especially the 7 & 8 Net Carb fruits listed above) If you’re finding that you are at…

Give me a  if you love berries! ⁣⠀
Berries are definitely my favorite frui…

Give me a if you love berries! ⁣⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Berries are definitely my favorite frui…

[ad_1] Give me a ?? if you love berries!? ⁣⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Berries are definitely my favorite fruit because not only are they sweet, but they’re also high in fiber and antioxidants!⠀ My favorite berry has always been raspberry because they have more fiber than any other food per gram ? and when it comes…

Fresh Fruit Kabobs!
{Summertime Party Perfect!} .
Use any of your FAVORITE frui…

Fresh Fruit Kabobs! {Summertime Party Perfect!} . Use any of your FAVORITE frui…

[ad_1] Fresh Fruit Kabobs! ??? {Summertime Party Perfect!} . Use any of your FAVORITE fruits, berries, or melons! Mix it up! Be creative with what’s in-person! I used fresh: melon pineapple kiwi raspberries blueberries organic grapes Instructions: Use a melon baller to create balls from your favorite fruits. To assemble: slide 3 fruit balls onto…