General Tso’s Chickpea Mushroom Bowl (oil-free option) Thank you my sweet friend…

General Tso’s Chickpea Mushroom Bowl (oil-free option) Thank you my sweet friend…

?General Tso’s Chickpea Mushroom Bowl (oil-free option)? ?Thank you my sweet friends Catherine @plantbasedrd and Woonie @woon.heng for helping me navigate how to take photos in dark spaces! The cabin I’ve been staying at recently is pretty dark?. I love you all my IG friends. Such an amazing community.? ✅Recipe: Mix sauce: 2 tbsp dark…

General Tso chickpeas, garlicky bok choy, wholegrain ramen (buckwheat, brown ric…

General Tso chickpeas, garlicky bok choy, wholegrain ramen (buckwheat, brown ric…

?General Tso chickpeas, garlicky bok choy, wholegrain ramen (buckwheat, brown rice, mushroom from lotus foods) bowl? ?Recipe: ?Chickpea marinade: whisk 3 tbsp gluten-free tamari or soy sauce, 1 tbsp garlic chili sauce, 1 tbsp water, 3-4 tbsp maple syrup, 1 tbsp rice vinegar, 3 tbsp tomato paste. Use to coat 1-15oz can garbanzos. Spread marinated…

Anxiety – general feeling of unease, often without a specific cause. What can yo…

Anxiety – general feeling of unease, often without a specific cause. What can yo…

Anxiety – general feeling of unease, often without a specific cause. What can you do about it? Try yoga, magnesium-rich foods, and foods rich in the amino acids GABA, tryptophan and l-theanine. Keep in mind that a healthy gut is also crucial for mental health and well being. ~ ✨Kimchi – contains probiotics that produce…