General Tso’s Chickpea Mushroom Bowl (oil-free option) Thank you my sweet friend…

General Tso’s Chickpea Mushroom Bowl (oil-free option) Thank you my sweet friend…

[ad_1] ?General Tso’s Chickpea Mushroom Bowl (oil-free option)? ?Thank you my sweet friends Catherine @plantbasedrd and Woonie @woon.heng for helping me navigate how to take photos in dark spaces! The cabin I’ve been staying at recently is pretty dark?. I love you all my IG friends. Such an amazing community.? ✅Recipe: Mix sauce: 2 tbsp…

General Tso chickpeas, garlicky bok choy, wholegrain ramen (buckwheat, brown ric…

General Tso chickpeas, garlicky bok choy, wholegrain ramen (buckwheat, brown ric…

[ad_1] ?General Tso chickpeas, garlicky bok choy, wholegrain ramen (buckwheat, brown rice, mushroom from lotus foods) bowl? ?Recipe: ?Chickpea marinade: whisk 3 tbsp gluten-free tamari or soy sauce, 1 tbsp garlic chili sauce, 1 tbsp water, 3-4 tbsp maple syrup, 1 tbsp rice vinegar, 3 tbsp tomato paste. Use to coat 1-15oz can garbanzos. Spread…

Anxiety – general feeling of unease, often without a specific cause. What can yo…

Anxiety – general feeling of unease, often without a specific cause. What can yo…

[ad_1] Anxiety – general feeling of unease, often without a specific cause. What can you do about it? Try yoga, magnesium-rich foods, and foods rich in the amino acids GABA, tryptophan and l-theanine. Keep in mind that a healthy gut is also crucial for mental health and well being. ~ ✨Kimchi – contains probiotics that…