Super useful infographic to bookmark & reference on the fly! Share this w/ someo…

Super useful infographic to bookmark & reference on the fly! Share this w/ someo…

[ad_1] ?Super useful infographic to bookmark & reference on the fly! Share this w/ someone that this would benefit! ?? . . Via @caligirlgetsfit✨ . Refrigerator storage times! Keeping your ? food as fresh as your brand new ? Nikes! lol . You can go slightly beyond the times & probably won’t get sick or…

Not sure how to structure your workouts for the week? For so long, I trained ver…

Not sure how to structure your workouts for the week? For so long, I trained ver…

[ad_1] Not sure how to structure your workouts for the week? For so long, I trained very inefficiently & without a real plan, so I wanted to save you from my mistakes! Great post by @saltylifts ✨ – How to Determine Your Plan: ⠀ ✅ Schedule Pick the number of days that works with your…