Need I say more?!⠀
Combine banana, nut …

SNICKERS SMOOTHIE⠀ ⠀⠀270 CALORIES⠀ —⠀ Need I say more?!⠀ —⠀ Combine banana, nut …

?SNICKERS SMOOTHIE?⠀ ⠀⠀270 CALORIES⠀ —⠀ Need I say more?!?⠀ —⠀ Combine banana, nut milk, dates, cocoa powder and nut butter! Top with coconut whip, crushed peanuts or sea salt!?⠀ —⠀ Tag Someone In The Comments & Share⠀ —⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ By @plantyou⠀ —⠀ #caloriesincaloriesout #caloriescount #caloriescounting #lowcalories #countcalories #eatsmart #eatingright #foodfacts #healthyswap #nutritiontip…

Which side would you choose and why? Let me know below!⠀
Recently I was chatt…

Which side would you choose and why? Let me know below!⠀ .⠀ Recently I was chatt…

[ad_1] Which side would you choose and why? Let me know below!??⠀ .⠀ Recently I was chatting with an old client of mine, and we were discussing how far she’s come since finishing my weight loss program. As we reconnected, she described our 1st coaching call together and the exact moment she realized she had…

What’s your favorite drink from Starbucks? Let me know below!⠀
Recently I was…

What’s your favorite drink from Starbucks? Let me know below!⠀ .⠀ Recently I was…

[ad_1] What’s your favorite drink from Starbucks? Let me know below!??⠀ .⠀ Recently I was on a discovery call with a babe who was interested in my 1:1 nutrition coaching program, and said she has been loving all the easy Starbucks swaps I’ve been posting on my Instagram? She told me she’s been using my…