You don’t have to avoid bread to lose weight by @grapestocrepes!
Not sure why…

You don’t have to avoid bread to lose weight by @grapestocrepes! . Not sure why…

You don’t have to avoid bread to lose weight by @grapestocrepes! ✨? . Not sure why, but many people are under the assumption that rice cakes are magical! They aren’t. If you love the taste and texture (or can’t eat gluten), go for it! But if you are only eating it because you think it’s…

How do  you use “mindfulness”?⁠ By @dietitian.rachelgoodman
Mindfulness is not…

How do you use “mindfulness”?⁠ By @dietitian.rachelgoodman ⁠ Mindfulness is not…

How do you use “mindfulness”?⁠? By @dietitian.rachelgoodman ⁠ Mindfulness is not meant to be used with a set outcome in mind. It’s meant to be used as a way to connect to the present moment and take in the information it is giving you, and from this place make decisions that serve you. ⁠ ⁠…