You don’t have to avoid bread to lose weight by @grapestocrepes!
Not sure why…

You don’t have to avoid bread to lose weight by @grapestocrepes! . Not sure why…

You don’t have to avoid bread to lose weight by @grapestocrepes!
Not sure why…

You don’t have to avoid bread to lose weight by @grapestocrepes! ✨?
Not sure why, but many people are under the assumption that rice cakes are magical! They aren’t. If you love the taste and texture (or can’t eat gluten), go for it! But if you are only eating it because you think it’s a better choice for weight loss…..I’m here to tell you to grab some bread instead.
When you buy bread, make sure you look at the ingredients. Buy bread that’s made with whole grains. Try to avoid breads that have a lot of added sugar (aim for less than 2g). Buy bread that is thinly sliced (lower in calories). Eat foods you love and watch portions! There’s no need to cut foods you enjoy out of your life to lose weight. ??
#breakfastfood #foodfreedom #easybreakfast #healthybreakfastideas #ricecakes #englishmuffin #eatbread #saturdaymornings #breadlover #weightlossadvice #grapestocrepes #allfoodsfit #nutritiontip #nutritioncoaching #weightlossupport #weightlosshelp #weightlosscoach #healthyswap #eatfoodfeelgood #eatthisnotthat #naturalweightloss #dietrescue #nutritionmom #weightlosscoaching #weightlossrecipes #nutritionadvice #healthyweightloss #healthyweightlosstips #loseweightnowaskmenow #pardisdeford


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