SAVE THIS CROWD-PLEASING RECIPE!This little ripper from @sanremopasta is supe…

SAVE THIS CROWD-PLEASING RECIPE!This little ripper from @sanremopasta is supe…

SAVE THIS CROWD-PLEASING RECIPE! This little ripper from @sanremopasta is super easy, looks impressive and is delicious. Pasta done right is filling, gives us fibre and is a great source of Carbs – the easiest macronutrient for our body to use as energy. Here’s how this salad is done: • 500g San Remo No. 23…

If you’re looking to add more protein and fibre to your meals, then Pulse Pasta …

If you’re looking to add more protein and fibre to your meals, then Pulse Pasta …

If you’re looking to add more protein and fibre to your meals, then Pulse Pasta from @SanRemoPasta is a great go-to! ​ The Pulse (legume) pastas from these guys are made from pulses such as chickpeas, lentils, peas and borlotti beans. That makes @SanRemoPasta’s Pulse Pastas: – A good source of protein – An excellent…