This is 29 years of life. What has gotten me here? Endless moments of joy, chall…

This is 29 years of life. What has gotten me here? Endless moments of joy, chall…

This is 29 years of life. What has gotten me here? Endless moments of joy, challenging times of hardship, an enormous support system, periods of betrayal, the greatest of friendships, numerous difficult relationships, glimpses of success, large amounts of failure, gains, losses, perseverance, defeat. I’m a perfectionist and strive for excellence and yet I am…

Have you ever been SCARED? So scared of the unknown that it held you back from s…

Have you ever been SCARED? So scared of the unknown that it held you back from s…

Have you ever been SCARED? So scared of the unknown that it held you back from success? Let’s face it, sometimes taking the easy way out seems more appealing. “YOUR JOB IN LIFE IS TO BE HAPPY.” This was the most important piece of advice my father ever gave me. I always thought I knew…

You know what’s beautiful? Having the ability to love yourself…unconditionally…

You know what’s beautiful? Having the ability to love yourself…unconditionally…

You know what’s beautiful? Having the ability to love yourself…unconditionally…pure, genuine love with no strings attached. There is a four year difference between these photos…The girl on the left didn’t understand this concept. She was constantly anxious about losing her identity…the problem: her STRUGGLE WAS HER IDENTITY. She obsessed about her workouts/ calories and lived…

Tag a friend who would dig this and grab the ingredients bel…

VEGAN CAULI PARM ! Tag a friend who would dig this and grab the ingredients bel…

VEGAN CAULI PARM ! Tag a friend who would dig this and grab the ingredients below. INGREDIENTS 1 large cauliflower 2 cups marinara sauce 1 cup gluten free flour or all purpose flour Vegan mozzarella cheese Vegan parmesan cheese (or homemade parm) Vegan egg mixture: 2 tbsp vegan egg (follow your heart) 3/4 cold water…

First we look , then we eat!
Binge eating disorder? Then please read!
What is …

First we look , then we eat! Binge eating disorder? Then please read! ⠀ What is …

First we look ?, then we eat?! Binge eating disorder? Then please read!?⬇️ ⠀ What is the very first thing we do before we have a bite? Smell? Taste? Touch? Or see? ⠀ ✨When we go grocery shopping, Why do we feel tempted to go with the more expensive brands packaging, why do we want…

Finally tested out  suggestion to try pb, banana, and coconut flakes on my rice …

Finally tested out suggestion to try pb, banana, and coconut flakes on my rice …

Finally tested out @emeliaseats suggestion to try pb, banana, and coconut flakes on my rice cake! She was so right! Definitely did not disappoint. Thanks for the suggestion Emelia! I also topped my other one with Greek yogurt, agave, banana, coconut flakes, and some cinnamon. Delish!?? . . #ricecakes #snack #healthysnacks #healthysnackideas #eathealthy #foodisfuel #eattofuel…