PALEO LEMON SHORTCAKE PANCAKES with warm blueberry sauce…fluffy, moist and ful…

PALEO LEMON SHORTCAKE PANCAKES with warm blueberry sauce…fluffy, moist and ful…

[ad_1] PALEO LEMON SHORTCAKE PANCAKES with warm blueberry sauce…fluffy, moist and full of flavor. Saturday morning is complete ? Started off the weekend with a bang. My boyfriend and I worked and and came home to enjoy this delicious stack together. We’re having a date day today and I couldn’t be more excited. Today we…

TAG a friend and grab recipe bellowVegan Biscuits

VEGAN STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE TAG a friend and grab recipe bellowVegan Biscuits …

[ad_1] VEGAN STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE TAG a friend and grab recipe bellow Vegan Biscuits Makes 10-12 Ingredients: * 1/2 cup (cold) vegan butter *  2 1/2 cups @bobsredmill all purpose flour * 3 1/2 tsp baking powder *4 tbsp cane sugar * 1 1/2 tsp salt * 1 cup almond milk Other ingredients needed *Fresh organic strawberries…