How much time do you spend obsessing over your cellulite?
Credit @marcinevin –

How much time do you spend obsessing over your cellulite? Credit @marcinevin – C…

How much time do you spend obsessing over your cellulite? Credit @marcinevin – Cellulite Creams. Fascia Blasters. Detox Diets. Endless Hours of Cardio # If you’ve tried any of these things trying to get rid of your cellulite, let me tell you right now, you’ve been wasting your time. # Cause the truth is, while…

Curried beans, veggies and  so so filling. I’m going to spend this weekend addin…

Curried beans, veggies and so so filling. I’m going to spend this weekend addin…

Curried beans, veggies and ? so so filling. I’m going to spend this weekend adding recipes to my site now that I’ve finished some of what’s been keeping me ultra busy ?? – I haven’t promoted it much but I do have a meal plan with recipes available on my website to purchase if you’re…

Happy Sunday Loves! I’m seriously working on reducing the amount of time I spend…

Happy Sunday Loves! I’m seriously working on reducing the amount of time I spend…

Happy Sunday Loves! I’m seriously working on reducing the amount of time I spend on social media, and so far it’s working. My screen time is down 7% from last week…yasss ?? If you’re a creator like myself, you’ll understand how draining? this platform can sometimes be. It doesn’t help when engagement is poor, and…