In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

Just incase you needed this reminder – no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jerry.⠀ Love this post from @thefashionfitnessfoodie ?⠀ ⠀ ‘Emotional eating’ tends to fall into the category of shit-people-feel-pressured-to-stop-doing-to-be-fitness. (Alongside beige food and having a fully functioning social life.)⠀ ⠀ I thought I’d give you my…

because no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jer…

because no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jer…

[ad_1] because no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jerry.⠀ ⠀ ‘Emotional eating’ tends to fall into the category of shit-people-feel-pressured-to-stop-doing-to-be-fitness. (Alongside beige food and having a fully functioning social life.)⠀ ⠀ I thought I’d give you my unsolicited thoughts;⠀ ⠀ 1. Food is engrained in most cultures. In…

Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados with all the Goodies  Taco Tuesday Sends a Terrible…

Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados with all the Goodies Taco Tuesday Sends a Terrible…

[ad_1] Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados with all the Goodies ?? Taco Tuesday Sends a Terrible Message To Our Children. They Need To Know That Tacos Are An Option, No Matter What Day It Is. #TacoEveryday makes 4 servings Ingredients: 4 medium avocados halved, pits removed 1lb. lean ground turkey 1/2 Tbsp chili powder 1/2 tsp…