I wanted to show you something completely different today but my cravings dictat…

I wanted to show you something completely different today but my cravings dictat…

[ad_1] I wanted to show you something completely different today but my cravings dictated otherwise. One of the things I’ve learned since practising intuitive eating and trying to get more connected with my body is to eat whatever I want to eat when I want it. – If I try to eat something else to…

When you think you hate something, it may be more to do with the way it’s been c…

When you think you hate something, it may be more to do with the way it’s been c…

[ad_1] When you think you hate something, it may be more to do with the way it’s been cooked than anything else. – I used to think I hated soups, but I’ve realised that the recipes I’ve tried are not to my taste. I thought I completely hated onions, it turns out I like certain…

mac & cheese for dinner with a bit of kale on the side. I’ve made about a handfu…

mac & cheese for dinner with a bit of kale on the side. I’ve made about a handfu…

[ad_1] mac & cheese for dinner with a bit of kale on the side. I’ve made about a handful of vegan mac & cheese recipes so far, this one is my new favorite ??Cashews, cauli, and almond milk make a creamy coat for this yummy pasta dish. Recipe @testkitchen Vegan for Everybody. check to see…

Vegan Mac and Cheese with Garlicky Toasted Breadcrumbs  My kids have been having…

Vegan Mac and Cheese with Garlicky Toasted Breadcrumbs My kids have been having…

[ad_1] ?Vegan Mac and Cheese with Garlicky Toasted Breadcrumbs ? My kids have been having intense mac and cheese cravings recently, inspiring me to make it vegan style. What are some of your most intense non-vegan cravings? Lobster rolls anyone?!! ?Recipe Soak 3 tbsp raw cashews overnight. Rinse and drain. Blend with 1 roughly chopped…

Vegan mac&cheese with lentil ‘meatballs’
Recipe Lentil ‘meatballs’ (makes 4 serv…

Vegan mac&cheese with lentil ‘meatballs’ Recipe Lentil ‘meatballs’ (makes 4 serv…

[ad_1] ?Vegan mac&cheese with lentil ‘meatballs’? ?Recipe Lentil ‘meatballs’ (makes 4 servings): In a small saucepan, combine 1 cup green lentils with 2-1/2 cups water. Bring to a boil, then simmer until tender. (If lentils become dry and are still not tender, add more water as needed.) Add 2 tbsp flaxseed meal to 5 tbsp…