#Ad Serious question: Are you a pancake or waffle person? FLUFFY GF VEGAN PANCAK…

#Ad Serious question: Are you a pancake or waffle person? FLUFFY GF VEGAN PANCAK…


#Ad Serious question: Are you a pancake or waffle person? FLUFFY GF VEGAN PANCAKES
(Recipe below)

It’s Sunday, and I got a stack of pancakes in front of me so I’m A HAPPY GIRL?
These pancakes are made with Unsweetened @bolthousefarms Plant
Protein Milk: nut free, no sugars added &  containing 10
Grams of protein per serving!
You can purchase Bolthouse Farms Plant Protein Milk at Vons (or check out their website store locator)

1 1/4 cup Unsweetened @bolthousefarms Plant Protein Milk
2 1/4 cups rolled oats (or store bought oat flour) 
3/4 cup apple sauce
1 tbsp ground chia or ground flax+ 3 tbsp water
3 tbsp coconut sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
Pinch of salt
optional: chocolate chips, berries.. depending on what kind of pancakes you want 🙂 Method:
1. Prepare chia egg by combining ground chia with water in a small bowl. Mix & set aside for 10 minutes.
2.In a high-speed blender, blend rolled oats on high until fine flour consistency is reached. Combine oat flour, coconut sugar, baking powder, cinnamon & salt in a large bowl. mix.
3. In a medium sized bowl, combine @bolthousefarms Plant Protein Milk, apple sauce, chia egg
& vanilla. Whisk until it is well combined.
4.Pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and mix until everything is well combined.
5. Heat a large nonstick skillet on medium to high heat.
Add 1 tsp coconut oil or vegan butter and ladle 1/3 cup of pancake batter. *at this point you can add chocolate chips or berries!*
6.Flip when bubbles appear in the middle and the
edges turn slightly dry. Cook for 1-2 minutes more on the other side.  Should make 8-10
pancakes depending on how big or small you make them.

ALSO READ  ORANGE ROSEMARY OLIVE OIL LOAFTAG YOUR PPL & grab recipe below! So moist & fla...

Top your pancakes with any fruit that is in season, nut butter, nuts and seeds, maple syrup or
any toppings you love. 
#BolthouseFarms #TheFutureofMilk #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganfoodporn #veganfoodie #crueltyfree #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #whatveganseat #veglife #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #foodporn #comfortfood #dairyfree #vegetarian #veganaf #vegan #pancakes



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