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Bolinhas de carne com coalhada e hortelã! Para a carne: 500 gr de patinho moído,…
[ad_1] Bolinhas de carne com coalhada e hortelã! Para a carne: 500 gr de patinho moído, sal, pimenta, 1 ovo e 2 colheres de farelo de aveia. Faça as bolinhas e asse sem forno médio. Para a coalhada: deixe escorrer um iogurte desnatado (eu coloquei num filtro de café, deixei por 6 horas), tempere com…

2019.3.10 早餐這樣,很好~ 關於早餐,最常被問到煎蛋要怎麼煎,這之前就寫過,用厚底的生鐵鍋就可以,想要圓嚕嚕的用12公分,但是鍋子小,要更小心…
[ad_1] 2019.3.10 早餐這樣,很好~ 關於早餐,最常被問到煎蛋要怎麼煎,這之前就寫過,用厚底的生鐵鍋就可以,想要圓嚕嚕的用12公分,但是鍋子小,要更小心控制火侯,很容易高溫就黏底,不小心黏了也沒關係,蓋上鍋蓋悶一下,底部產生水氣,就可以輕易用鏟子拿起來。稍大的16cm鍋,火侯比較好控制,只要養鍋養得好,媲美不沾鍋,煎蛋不容易失敗。懶得養鍋,初期使用就要稍微多一點油就行了。 最近也愛拿煎玉子燒的銅鍋煎蛋,煎得恰恰好吃,銅鍋煎的時間比生鐵鍋快一咪咪,邊緣焦度也多個那一咪咪,兒子每次看了都要吃媽媽煎蛋邊邊,雖然那裡其實沒什麼營養,但是那裡才是整個荷包蛋的精華呀,小子,別再跟你媽搶了啦~ 一些煎蛋的總整理,記錄在部落格 【湘南主婦在廚房】 不需要不沾鍋,也不需要技巧,只要一只超便宜的生鐵小鍋,完美荷包蛋超簡單 https://wp.me/p76MbF-1kY (首頁連結部落格文章或關鍵字查詢) #we早起吃早餐 #早餐 #breakfast #morningslikethese #cookingathome #kitchenlife #あさごはん #朝ごはん #朝食 #healthyfood #healthymenu #eatingathome #homecooking #おうちごはん #おうちご飯 #onthetable #foodphoto #KURASHIRU #KAUMO #foodstagram #foodinsta #f52grams [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Cơm bì chả thịt nướng ️ Hello IG!! It’s been so long since I…

Breakfast inspiration Which is your favorite? 1,2, or 3 ~ Plate 1: Sweet potato…
[ad_1] Breakfast inspiration? Which is your favorite? 1,2, or 3 ~ Plate 1: ? Sweet potato toast Slice pretty thin, toss in avocado oil then roast @ 375 for 30ish min, flip halfway through! top with mashed avocado + 2 soft-boiled eggs + a ton of seasonings ~ Plate 2: ? Veggie egg casserole I…

Lose weight without starving with this collection of 50 meals under 300 calories…
[ad_1] Lose weight without starving with this collection of 50 meals under 300 calories! These healthy, low carb, and super easy recipes are a cinch to whip up and are delicious to boot! With lots of breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes to choose from, as well as vegetarian options, these filling meals will satisfy your…

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Cookies ultra simple and light banana ◾2 bananas ◾100 g of flakes …
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