Concours #challengedukan #Repost @diet_metbexim_sumqayit ・・・ #challengedukan #du…
Concours #challengedukan #Repost @diet_metbexim_sumqayit ・・・
#dietik bulkalar
[ad_1] ||Nhoque de Ricota|| ?Fase: A partir da cruzeiro. ?Atenção: Maisena (amido de milho) é tolerado (cota máxima diária de 2 col de sopa ou 40gr). . ⚫Receita: ➖INGREDIENTES: 350 gr de ricota light, 1 ovo, 1 colher de sopa de maisena, 1 pitada de sal, noz moscada, pimenta, manjericão (seco) e molho de tomate…
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[ad_1] Spicy and Creamy, this Vegan Chipotle Mayo tastes just like the real deal but is made with only 5 healthy ingredients! Perfect on sandwiches, as a dip with fries, and more! #plantbased #vegan #mayo #chipotlemayo [ad_2] Source by di2080 ALSO READ Hayırlı sabahlar Sekersiz 2.gun kahvaltim idi.#eiweisbrot#tavukluyumurta#quä…
[ad_1] Saftige Zitronen Cookies Attention cookie fans: These juicy lemon cookies are a delicious alternative to normal cookies. And one that tastes good all year round – especially in summer, lemon cookies are perfect! Because the lemon cookies are wonderfully refreshing and really melt on the tongue. #lemoncookies #lemon cookies [ad_2] Source by glueckbacken ALSO…
[ad_1] Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest I did this for a few days and lost like 3 lbs but it was to much for me.. themilitarydiet.c… The Military Diet! 10lbs in one week, 30lbs in one month! Source by tastesofhealth [ad_2] Source by rhonmac5 ALSO READ Hayırlı sabahlar Sekersiz 2.gun kahvaltim idi.#eiweisbrot#tavukluyumurta#quä…
[ad_1] Pour yourself a glass of heart-healthy red, and get cookin’. #greatist… [ad_2] Source by marciafilip1 ALSO READ Hayırlı sabahlar Sekersiz 2.gun kahvaltim idi.#eiweisbrot#tavukluyumurta#quä…