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Dukan Esfiha
[ad_1] Dukan Esfiha Phase: All. ?Attention: Gluten meal has been released for the attack phase. You can replace it with oat bran if you prefer. . ⚫Receive: ➖INGREDIENTS: 200gr of gluten flour, salt to taste, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of skimmed yogurt, 1 teaspoon of yeast, 50 ml of skim milk and stuffing to taste. ….

Dukan bazlamam (2gunluk guclendirme) 5y.k.yulaf kepegi ve 2y.k.bugday kepegini 7…
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Grilled Chicken with Creamy Mustard Sauce: A Delightful Dish
Forget “frango à passarinho” (little bird chicken)! This recipe features succulent grilled chicken breast paired with a luscious, creamy mustard sauce that will tantalize your taste buds. It’s a healthy, flavorful, and easy-to-prepare meal perfect for any occasion. Ingredients For the Chicken: For the Sauce: Instructions Preparing the Chicken: Making the Sauce: Serving: Tips and…

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