#arınma #ferah #detox…
#arınma #ferah #detox
[ad_1] Hayırlı sabahlar. Bu sabah ki kahvaltim ,rabbimize bin şükür . Kasarli dukan bazlama. Yumurta, sari ceri domates ve roka. [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Here are Five Low Carb food diaries *Swipe to see all ideas! Calories & Macros …
[ad_1] Ingredients list ( so simple it will blow your mind away) Fresh sea bream Salt Pepper Lemon Parsley Mixed herbs Healthy Milky SeaBream fish dinner! We love seabream because this species fish resides at the bottom of the sea; since pollution resides at the surface, fish that live at the bottom tend to taste…
[ad_1] Kapanış yesil mercimekli,tereyagli bulgur pilavi(ramazan öncesi olsun dedim?) 150gr pilav(9yemek.kasigi) roka ve cacik esliginde? #güçevresi #ramazanöncesi #mercimeklibulgurpilavı #cacık #roka #rucola [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Here are Five Low Carb food diaries *Swipe to see all ideas! Calories & Macros …
[ad_1] #Repost @dukancianne (@get_repost) ・・・ Dun sabah kahvaltisina ysptigim dukan krep 3y.k.yulaf kepegi 1y.k.bugday kepegi Kirmizi pancar suyu(kivami icin Tuz 1yumurta Arasina labne sürdüm [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Here are Five Low Carb food diaries *Swipe to see all ideas! Calories & Macros …
[ad_1] Καλημέρα με πολύ νόστιμη αυγοσαλάτα! Ιδανική και για μέρες σκέτης πρωτεΐνης ? #dukansgirls #dukanforever #dukanlifestyle #dukanlife #linkinbio #dukan #dukandiet #dukanfood #dukandieta #dukanrecipes [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Here are Five Low Carb food diaries *Swipe to see all ideas! Calories & Macros …
[ad_1] Here are Five Low Carb food diaries ?? *Swipe to see all ideas! Calories & Macros listed below ?:]⠀ ⠀ The calories and items are all listed so you should be able to adjust this easy to your profile or calories or please ask!?⠀ ⠀ 1️⃣ 1683 CALORIES⠀ MACROS:⠀ 160g Carbs⠀ 137g Protein⠀ 55g…