kahve esliginde dukancizkek(Rhabarber(isgin) ve yabanmersinli…
kahve esliginde dukancizkek(Rhabarber(isgin) ve yabanmersinli?
[ad_1] || Egg-Salad 100% Dukan || Phase: From the cruise. ? Note: Consume on PL days. All fryings should be done in non-stick frying pan without oil. ⚫Obs: Recipe: ➖Carne: Separate ground beef and season with chopped garlic and onion. Mix with a fillet of olive oil and seasonings to taste (I used sweet paprika,…
[ad_1] Canim kizlarimin ellerinden masallah Elektrikli mangalda tavuksis ve kofte?❤❤ #tavukşiş #kofte #kizannesiolmak #huzur [ad_2] Source ALSO READ ÖğlenKabak spagetti, kefir.2 litre su ictim….
[ad_1] Veee 6 sene öncesi kilolu halimden? Kilo insani ne kadar yasli gosteriyor? Su icemedigimden cildimde cok yorgunmus? Iyiki varsin dukan❤ [ad_2] Source ALSO READ ÖğlenKabak spagetti, kefir.2 litre su ictim….
[ad_1] У меня тут батончики мюсли по Татошке) только немного изменила: сделала на один день по отрубям и добавила немного арахисовой пасты) #diet#dukan#dukandiet#dietdukan#dd#ddmenu#диета#дюкан#диетадюкана#дюкандиета#дд#ддменю#чередование#чередованиедюкан#диетадюканаминск#яхудеюясмогу#яхудею#жируходи#пп#ппдневник#зож#зождневник [ad_2] Source ALSO READ ÖğlenKabak spagetti, kefir.2 litre su ictim….
[ad_1] Aksam Dunden artan bereketli kofte ve tavuk sis yaninda 2y.k.yogurtlu makarna, 1 kasigini yedim.Cok şükür [ad_2] Source ALSO READ ÖğlenKabak spagetti, kefir.2 litre su ictim….
[ad_1] || Dukan Danette || Phase: Cruise. . ⚫Obs: Recipe: ➖Ingredients: 1 colas of unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 colas of skimmed milk powder, 2 sheets of unflavored gelatin, 2 colas of culinary sweetener, 4 colas of water, 100 ml of skim milk and 1 pinch of salt. . ➖Method of preparation: In a pan, low…