Meat Balls

Meat Balls


  • Lean beef mince
  • 1/2 to 1 onion diced
  • 1 teaspoon of Garlic
  • Mixed herbs
  • 1 can of crushed tomatoes (if on vegetable day)
  • Sweetener


  1. Put a small amount of water in a frying pan
  2. Add diced onion and cook until soft
  3. Place cooked onion, mince, garlic and herbs in a bowl and mix with a fork
  4. Take a small amount of the mixture and roll it into a small ball, place on a chopping board
  5. Repeat until all the mixture is used up
  6. Place meatballs in the frying pan, keep turning until they are all brown (use a lid to speed up the cooking process)
  7. After about 8 mins, remove one and check the inside is cooked
  8. Serve with a yoghurt sauce if you are on a pure protein day
  9. If you are on a veg + protein day add the can tomatoes and a teaspoon of sweetener and simmer for 3 mins, feel free to add other vegetables like mushrooms, carrots and capsicum to the dish.

Source: My own recipe, please note the above photo was of a full fat beef mince, hence the extra oil in the pan, I don’t have an updated photo at this stage.

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