cashew cream cauliflower rice…ALMOST risotto. almost. either way it’s . cookin…

cashew cream cauliflower rice…ALMOST risotto. almost. either way it’s . cookin…


cashew cream cauliflower rice…ALMOST risotto. almost. either way it’s ?. cooking the cream into the rice as it softens makes it rich and creamy, super thick too! like a mac and cheese kinda thing ?? i used to make this a ton last semester but totally forgot about it until i saw it in my achieved stories (how i ended up scrolling through THERE…idk ??‍♀️). this bowl was topped by a biggg piece of salmon and devoured in 5 minutes flat. weekends, man ?
all i did was blend up some cashew cream (soaked cashews, sea salt, nutritional yeast, almond milk) until thin and let it thicken overnight. the next day i threw about 4 tablespoons into some cauliflower rice on the stove and cooked until soft! .
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