No one food is “healthy” or “unhealthy”.
And a healthy relationship with food…

No one food is “healthy” or “unhealthy”. . And a healthy relationship with food…

No one food is “healthy” or “unhealthy”.
And a healthy relationship with food…

No one food is “healthy” or “unhealthy”.
And a healthy relationship with food will always trump obsessively eating the most nutrient dense foods possible.
If you’re going to be enjoying the long weekend (and relishing in the last days of summer… BRB… crying ?) by having a little grilling action enjoy it! Trust your body will guide you. Honor your hunger, fullness and satisfaction cues. And get rid of any guilt surrounding the more “soul nourishing” foods ❤️
All of that is easier said than done, I realize that. Be sure to checkout the “free guides” highlight in my profile. The 5 step guide is especially helpful- it will also get you up to speed on the 5 most common missteps to avoid!


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