Savory breakfast plate for lunch
Savory breakfast plate for lunch ? Made some eggs sprinkled with @furtherfood turmeric tonic, sautéed some kale (the only way I really like to eat it, raw kale isn’t my fav), sautéed mushrooms, and duh gotta have that avo ? If you haven’t tried turmeric of some sort sprinkled on eggs- it’s a game changer ? Gives then a great flavor and turmeric helps with inflammation ??My knee was a little sore after @orangetheory this morning so I’m stretching + upping my anti inflammatory foods ? Gotta take care of your body vs ignoring the issues ?? I used to hate kale but I’ve found if I sauté it for just a few mins in some avocado oil- I’m all about it ? I honestly might like sautéed kale better than sautéed spinach- and I eat a ton of spinach haha. But it’s crunchy and less watery. It’s so funny, idk about you guys but looking back on what I ate as a teenager vs what I eat now- it’s insane ? Like if I take a moment and think about it- I never would’ve imagined comparing if I like sautéed kale or spinach better ? If you’re out there struggling to find healthy food you enjoy- don’t give up!! Everyone is so different, keep testing things out until you figure out what seasonings, oils, veggies, and meats that work best for you ❤️ Hope you guys had a great day!! lunch details ?? 2 organic eggs ? cooked over low medium heat in avocado oil sprinkled with @furtherfood turmeric tonic (you can use just regular turmeric too!) + sautéed kale + mushrooms + 1/2 avocado with @traderjoes EBTB seasoning