The Impact of Saturated Fat on Cholesterol Levels: A Comprehensive Guide

The Impact of Saturated Fat on Cholesterol Levels: A Comprehensive Guide

The Impact of Saturated Fat on Cholesterol Levels: A Comprehensive Guide

Answering your question (from a while back- sorry – lots to catch up on!) @rashy_n @kangawoo_ @pwpantry. This one often comes in reference to eggs!
Saturated fat is fat found in animal products (meat, poultry, butter, dairy) and coconut based products. Too much saturated fat increases your risk of heart disease. More recent research has shown the effect of saturated fat from dairy foods does not have the same negative effect as saturated fat from other animal products (hence the full-fat Vs low-fat dairy debate).
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Cholesterol is a type of fat in your blood, which is also in foods. Cholesterol only has a small effect on the level of cholesterol in your blood. This is because our bodies also MAKE cholesterol and is very good at adjusting how much it makes based on how much we eat. So if we eat more dietary cholesterol our body makes less.
Overall the consensus is that saturated fat should be replaced with healthy unsaturated fats like those that come from nuts, olive oil, avocado etc. Trans fats should be avoided as much as possible – they are found in processed foods that use partially hydrogenated vegetable fats such as deep-fried foods and biscuits, cakes and pastries.
Re full fat Vs low fat dairy. I say choose the one you prefer but if you’re trying to cut down some cals to lose weight then choose mostly reduced or low fat options.
Regarding eggs – different organisations recommend different amounts. Recent evidence from the National Health & Medical Research Council showed no apparent increased health risks associated with consumption of eggs. This suggests a serve of 2 eggs daily is ok to include for most people. If you’re concerned then speak to your doctor.
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The Importance of Understanding Calories in Your Ingredients

When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, it’s important to have a good understanding of the calories in the ingredients you use in your recipes. By being aware of the calorie content of the foods you consume, you can better manage your portion sizes and make informed decisions about what you eat. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the role of calories in your ingredients and how to make smart choices in your cooking.

Understanding Calories 101
Before we dive into specific ingredients, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what calories are. A calorie is a unit of measurement used to quantify the energy content of food and drinks. When we consume more calories than our body needs, the excess energy is stored as fat, leading to weight gain. On the other hand, consuming fewer calories than our body needs can lead to weight loss.

Calories in Common Ingredients
Let’s take a look at some common ingredients and their calorie content per serving:

– Chicken breast (boneless, skinless): Approximately 165 calories per 3-ounce serving.
– Avocado: Approximately 234 calories per medium-sized fruit.
– Quinoa: Approximately 222 calories per cooked cup.
– Olive oil: Approximately 119 calories per tablespoon.
– Sweet potato: Approximately 180 calories per medium-sized potato.

Making Smart Choices
Now that we have an idea of the calorie content of some common ingredients, it’s important to make smart choices when it comes to portion sizes and cooking methods. For example, instead of frying your chicken in oil, consider grilling or baking it to cut down on unnecessary calories. When it comes to fats like avocado and olive oil, while they are high in calories, they also offer important nutrients that are beneficial to our health, so it’s important to include them in moderation.

Balancing Your Meals
A balanced meal should include a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. By being mindful of the calorie content in your ingredients, you can create well-rounded meals that meet your nutritional needs without overdoing it on calories. For example, a meal with quinoa (carbohydrates and protein), grilled chicken breast (protein), and a side of roasted sweet potatoes (carbohydrates) and avocado (healthy fats) can provide a satisfying and nutritious balance.

In conclusion, understanding the calorie content of your ingredients is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy diet. By being mindful of portion sizes and making smart choices about the foods you use in your recipes, you can better manage your calorie intake and support your overall health and wellness.


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