What’s the food comment that has gotten under your skin the most?! Comment below…

What’s the food comment that has gotten under your skin the most?! Comment below…

What’s the food comment that has gotten under your skin the most?! Comment below…

What’s the food comment that has gotten under your skin the most?! Comment below!
“Ooooh, you’re eating THAT?” “Isn’t that unhealthy?” “Good for you… but…. I’m keto right now so it’s a no.”
ARGGG. So annoying, right?! It’s like you’re doing alllll of this work to let go of your food rules and not see food as “good” or “bad” and then all of a sudden Tina from accounting makes a comment. Or your cousin Katie. Or Grandma Jan. Whatever! It’s annoying. And can even make ya question this whole no food rules thing.
I think it’s suuuuper helpful to think through what your answer might be for this situation BEFORE it happens. Be prepared! I mean, who can think of the “right” thing to say when they’re likely pissed and thrown for a loop?! ? Not I said the fly. (Me. Colleen. I’m the fly.)
So take a second to pick one of these and leave a comment! Love hearing which of these resonates with you. #5 is a fave ? We’ve got some sassy sass gals in the community and I dig it ?

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