Which would you pick today?!?
I’d eat both of these options without guilt. S…

Which would you pick today?!? . I’d eat both of these options without guilt. S…

Which would you pick today?!?
I’d eat both of these options without guilt. S…

Which would you pick today?!? ??
I’d eat both of these options without guilt. ?Sometimes there is just nothing like a thick slather of super sweet artificially flavored jelly to remind you of your childhood ?, ya know?!
But I likely wouldn’t pick that choice on the daily. Why? ➡️ I know my body would likely feel better with a toast topping that’s got a little more nutrients in there like fiber, antioxidants and more natural sweetness VS added sugar. I know this will help to stabilize my blood sugar, giving me long lasting energy to power through my day, help me stay full longer (I got other things to do!) but to also help my body be protected from potential damage from things like free radicals (?those antioxidants at work!)
Some foods nourish our souls more (like super sweet sugary jelly!?) and some nourish our bodies more so than our souls (although berries totally nourish my soul too ? they remind me of sweet, sweet summer time… even if we still have snow here in Michigan!) You deserve to enjoy BOTH in this life we live.?
Not having food rules is where you find this “balance”. When you listen to both your cravings and what makes your body feel good? That’s called “gentle nutrition”.
Next Tuesday I’m hosting a free masterclass on how to implement gentle nutrition to feel better in your body (Hello more energy!) without it feeling even a teensy bit diet-y! Link in bio to save your space!


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