BBQ tempeh, chunky guacamole, roasted broccoli, air fryer plantains and some hom…
?BBQ tempeh, chunky guacamole, roasted broccoli, air fryer plantains ?and some homemade deconstructed salsa?
Broccoli is sooo sweet when you roast it. I just love it this way. Have a fabulous day friends.?
?Recipe BBQ Tempeh: Boil 1-8oz block tempeh straight out of the packet (in enough water to cover) for five minutes before using. Slice tempeh into approximately 2-1/2 inch wide rectangles about 1/8 inch thick. (The thinner you cut them the more crispy they get.) Marinate tempeh rectangles in your favorite BBQ sauce for about 15 minutes, making sure all the pieces are covered with the sauce. Heat skillet and sear tempeh, about 2 minutes a side. Remove from heat and brush with more (warmed) BBQ sauce. ?Recipe roasted broccoli: Cut broccoli florets from stem. Toss with a little balsamic vinegar, garlic powder, and black pepper. Roast in oven at 475F on lined sheet until slightly charred. Salt to taste. ?Recipe chunky guacamole: ?Chunky guacamole: Roughly mash 1 large avocado with a fork into large chunks. Add 1/4 deseeded finely minced jalapeño, 1/4 cup diced tomatoes, 2 tbsp diced red onion, 1 tbsp chopped cilantro, 2 tsp fresh lime juice, salt and black pepper to taste. Top with red chili flakes. Served with brown jasmine rice.