Mexican Salad with Creamy Salsa Dressing

Mexican Salad with Creamy Salsa Dressing

Mexican Salad with Creamy Salsa Dressing

Mexican Salad with Creamy Salsa Dressing

The whole family loves it! Now that warmer weather is around the corner, we’ll be eating more BIG salads like this for dinner.

Salad Ingredients:

mixed greens – I used spinach, romaine lettuce, cilantro, and added in some radicchio (purple cabbage would also be great!)
shredded cooked chicken (I cook a bunch of chicken in the crockpot 1-2× per week. Add chicken breast, diced yellow onion, 1-2 tsps cumin powder, sea salt and pepper, cook on low for 7-9 hours)
diced sweet bell peppers
shredded carrots
sliced cucumber
roasted corn – saute organic fresh or frozen corn in a pan with avocado, or olive oil until it starts to brown
black beans
diced tomatoes
green onions
diced avocado
lime wedges
Instructions: Arrange ingredients nicely in a big bowl, or equally on separate serving plates.

Creamy Salsa Dressing:
1 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 cup salsa, 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon fresh lime, sea salt & pepper to taste. Whisk all dressing ingredients together. I make extra to have around for a few days.

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