300 calories vs. 650 calories
Overnight Oats Recipefor weight loss or weight gai…

300 calories vs. 650 calories Overnight Oats Recipefor weight loss or weight gai…


?300 calories vs. 650 calories?
Overnight Oats Recipe??‍♀️?for weight loss or weight gain….

Bulking? Losing Fat? I’ve got you covered with both options! ⠀⠀
Fat Loss ?⠀
This recipe uses #almondmilk instead of regular #dairy milk because it’s much lower calorie and delicious too! Because #losingweight requires you to be in a calorie deficit, this will be the major? Also having a smaller portion of the yummy but calorie dense food here being the glorious pb ? 1 tbsp instead of 2. You can always use powered pb which is great especially in smoothies as it is lower in calories yet still has the taste.⠀⠀
Muscle Gain ?⠀
This #recipe contains more #oats, more #peanutbutter, more #milk and overall more calorie goodness ? this is because muscle is gained more efficiently when your body is in a calorie surplus. ⠀⠀
Recipe Instructions ✍️⠀
Add all #ingredients to a #masonjar or container, mix it and lock the jar/container with the lid ? Leave it in your refrigerator overnight for 7-9 hours and simply enjoy when you wake up ? enjoy hot or cold!
Awesome idea by @lewfitness ⠀⠀
#overnightoats #mealprep #breakfast
#nutrition #diet #weightloss



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