Here are Five 2000 Calorie Meal Plan ideas *Swipe to see all! Calories + recipes…
Here are Five 2000 Calorie Meal Plan ideas✨?✨ *Swipe to see all! Calories + recipes below :] x x⠀
Some meals are repeated across the days. There is a lot of variety, but it can too be helpful towards your goals to find recipes you like and #mealprep⠀
The more you prepare them, the more familiar of their calories | macros you become? This can help you stay motivated + accountable.⠀
?DAY1️⃣ = 2178 Calories⠀
BREAKFAST 1 – ? ,?, 1/2?, ?,?+?⠀
BREAKFAST 2 – protein oatmeal, chia seeds,?,?+pb ⠀
SNACK 1 – protein muffin+fruit⠀
LUNCH – ? salmon cream cheese ?rolls⠀
SNACK 2 – cottage cheese,?+cashews. ⠀
DINNER – whole wheat tortilla,?, spinach, ?, ?, grilled ?⠀
?DAY2️⃣ = 2214 Calories⠀
BREAKFAST – protein?, cashews, yoghurt+?⠀
SNACK 1 – protein smoothie+cashews ⠀
LUNCH – Chipotle bowl, ? ,? ,?+salsa?,?, parsley⠀
SNACK 2 – protein cookie⠀
DINNER – ??, whole wheat bread, butter+?⠀
DESSERT – Ben&Jerry’s Topped Strawberry??⠀
?DAY3️⃣ = 2146 Calories⠀
BREAKFAST 1 – bulletproof coffee ☕️⠀
BREAKFAST 2 – egg muffins, chorizo, ?, ?, ?+cheddar ?⠀
POST WORKOUT MEAL – oatmeal,? , ?, nuts+protein bar.⠀
LUNCH – Buffalo ?, ?, asparagus+?⠀
SNACK – chocolate protein ? ⠀
DINNER – ? , turkey meatballs, basil ?, sriracha,?+beans.⠀
?DAY4️⃣ = 2243 Calories⠀
BREAKFAST – chia oatmeal, ?,?+ pb⠀
SNACK 1 – protein shake⠀
LUNCH – ? lasagna,? , ?, ?,?, mozzarella+cottage ?⠀
SNACK 2 – tortilla,?,?,?,?⠀
DINNER – ??⠀
SNACK – bread,?,?,?+spinach⠀
?DAY5️⃣ = 1901 Calories⠀
BREAKFAST 1 – high fat high protein -??, ?, ?,?+?⠀
BREAKFAST 2 – oatmeal, chia seeds, ?, ?, ?+figs.⠀
LUNCH 1 – chicken meatballs, ?, ?+beans.⠀
LUNCH – same as Lunch 1 :]⠀
DINNER – brown rice cakes, ?, ?, ?, chilli+?seeds⠀
NIGHT SNACK – ?vanilla shake⠀
Which Meal Plan is your favourite.. Day 1-5?⠀
Pictures by @nessasphere⠀
#calories #recipe #healthyeating #cleaneating #protein #keto #salad #slimmingworld #detox #breakfast #lunch #dinner #weightloss #macros #fooddiary #lunchbox #iifym #diet #bbg⠀