I think we both agree that pasta never gets old. But do you agree that chickpeas…

I think we both agree that pasta never gets old. But do you agree that chickpeas…

I think we both agree that pasta never gets old. But do you agree that chickpeas never get old? ???

If I’m being honest, this is the one legume that my body has the most trouble digesting, but I’ve learned that the more you eat legumes, the easier it is to digest. My body is getting better at it. –
At the risk of giving you TMI…Yes, I also get the not-so-pleasant side effects. Embarrassing yes, but I get DM’s about this everyday so I may as well come clean.

The good bacteria in my gut are being fed though, and if you know anything about wellbeing, gut health is EVERYTHING so I’ll take the unpleasant side effects any day. Sorry if that was TMI ??? #veganbysomi

Oh today has been such a busy day so I didn’t get time to put this recipe up, but I will⭐️


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