Just noodling  my way into the week over here with this CREAMY TURMERIC SESAME T…

Just noodling my way into the week over here with this CREAMY TURMERIC SESAME T…

Just noodling  my way into the week over here with this CREAMY TURMERIC SESAME T…

Just noodling ? my way into the week over here with this CREAMY TURMERIC SESAME TAHINI noodle and CRISPY glazed salmon bowl ? Happy Monday lovelies! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I ended my weekend with a massage from a friend followed by an amazing night’s sleep! Made this DELICIOUS bowl for lunch and getting some work done this afternoon. Recipes below for sauce and glaze below! (See my highlights for the perfect crispy salmon) How was YOUR weekend?!

Deets: @lotusfoods rice and Millet noodles, sautéed bok choy, sautéed shiitakes, cabbage and seared wild sockeye salmon with a glaze made from just a teaspoon of sesame oil and a teaspoon of coconut aminos (mixed well and lightly brushed on top! SAUCE: 1/4 Cup @soomfoods tahini, 2 tablespoons @chosenfoods sesame oil, 1 tablespoon lime juice, 2 tablespoons coconut aminos, 3-4 tablespoons water, 2 teaspoons sriracha, 1 teaspoon turmeric whisked together well. •

#salmon #healthypasta #foodblogger #noodles #iamwellandgood #healthylunch #cuisinesworld #healthrecipes #wholesome #goodmoodfood #glutenfree #wholefoods #feedfeed #eatingwelleats #dairyfree #foodphotography #functionalfood #chefsofinstagram #kaylaitsines #tastingtable #eatclean #mealprep #eatarainbow #makesmewhole #feedyoursoull #foodstyling



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