SALMON SUNDAY and FRY DAY are two of my faves! So I’m celebrating both today wit…
SALMON SUNDAY and FRY DAY are two of my faves! So I’m celebrating both today with this HONEY SOY glazed salmon, spicy roasted Brussels and some zaatar spices Japanese sweet potato fries and a cashew sriracha sauce. Woooof that was a mouthful! But damn it was good. Had this for lunch today and been working this afternoon and soon to do some meal prep…teaching my boyfriend some prep skills that I’ve acquired from all the meal prep queens on IG (@press.startnutrition, @feedyoursister, @kalejunkie, @balanced_life_leslie, @melissas_healthykitchen…and so many more) wish me luck! Hope you all had an amazing weekend! I catered a 50+ party last night and it went so well…I love feeding people good food! What did you do this weekend?
Salmon: coat @salmonandsable salmon in some @ottos_cassava_flour flour, season with salt and pepper, brush a glaze made of 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of tamari soy sauce and sear in 1 tablespoon of oil on medium heat for 3 minutes per side. Cashew sriracha sauce: 2 tablespoons @woodstockfoods cashew butter, 2 tablespoons almond milk yogurt, squeeze of lime and sriracha to taste. Brussels: toss in a little olive oil, season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika and bake in a cast iron for about 25 minutes on 400 shaking the pan every few minutes.
#salmon #fries #foodblogger #eatarainbow #kaylaitsines #iamwellandgood #cuisinesworld #healthyeats #wholesome #goodmoodfood #glutenfree #wholefoods #feedfeed #paleodiet #dairyfree #foodphotography #functionalfood #chefsofinstagram #simplemeals #tastingtable #cleaneating #mealprep #healthyfries #healthyrecipes #fallrecipes #feedyoursoull #mealprepsunday #salmonsunday #makesmewhole