Some people find that announcing their goals on Instagram puts them under pressu…

Some people find that announcing their goals on Instagram puts them under pressu…

Some people find that announcing their goals on Instagram puts them under pressure and keeps them accountable so they find it easier to achieve their goals.

For me, announcing my goals in public makes it highly unlikely that I’ll achieve it. If I tell one person what my plans are, I don’t end up doing it. It is almost like I release my enthusiasm into the universe as soon as I say it. So I’m literally learning to ‘work hard in silence and let success be my noise’

How does it work for you? Do you let public announcements drive your goals or do you just hustle in silence?

This bowl is Chickpea korma. I’m not satisfied with this recipe yet so I don’t have a recipe for you yet ?

#chickpeacurry #brownrice #wholefoodsplantbasedvegan


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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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