Sunday Snackin! I had no desire to “cook” anything this afternoon after cooking …

Sunday Snackin! I had no desire to “cook” anything this afternoon after cooking …

Sunday Snackin! I had no desire to “cook” anything this afternoon after cooking …

Sunday Snackin! I had no desire to “cook” anything this afternoon after cooking all morning for clients, so this meal was PERFECT! Made some homemade black garlic hummus last night and it’s absolutely delish. Let me know if you’d like the recipe and I’ll post it on the blog. Also, ever since visiting San Fran I’m obsessed with this sweet onion sourdough from @breadsrsly…literally had some shipped while I was there. I hope you are all having an amazing Sunday. I’m off to relax for the rest of the day!

Deets: arugula, wild smoked salmon, olives, artichoke hearts, apple, mini sweet and spicy pickles, caper berries, tomatoes, homemade hummus, fried herbed chickpeas and a slice of toasted @breadsrsly gluten free sourdough. •

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