Where do I start ?
Let’s type « how to lose weight » on …

I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT. Where do I start ? Let’s type « how to lose weight » on …

[ad_1] I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT. Where do I start ? Let’s type « how to lose weight » on Google. ☘️ You’ll get advised to eat 1200 calories per day. ☘️ You’ll get advised to avoid carbs. And probably fats. And pretty much every food you enjoy. ? There’s 99% chance you won’t feel good and…

More fat per 100 g than McDonald’s fries !…

⠀ VEGGIE STRAWS VS McDONALDS FRIES ⠀ More fat per 100 g than McDonald’s fries !…

[ad_1] ⠀ VEGGIE STRAWS VS McDONALDS FRIES ? ⠀ ❌More fat per 100 g than McDonald’s fries ???! ⠀ ⠀ 100 g Veggie straws: 22.6 g total fat & 483 calories VS 100 g McDonald’s fries: 16.8 g total fat and 319 calories ⠀ ❌Less than 100 calorie is cleverly advertised on the front but…

pink lemonade n’ice cream  Would you try some?  Here’s the simple recipe (which …

pink lemonade n’ice cream Would you try some? Here’s the simple recipe (which …

[ad_1] pink lemonade n’ice cream ??✨ Would you try some? ? Here’s the simple recipe (which makes one big bowl or two smaller ones) ?? Ingredients • 3 frozen bananas • 1/3 cup frozen strawberries • 1/3 cup frozen raspberries • 2 tbsp lemon juice • 1 tsp chia seeds • 1/2 cup water –…

blue smoothie bliss by the lovely @purelykaylie!  also swipe for some more cutes…

blue smoothie bliss by the lovely @purelykaylie! also swipe for some more cutes…

[ad_1] blue smoothie bliss by the lovely @purelykaylie! ??? also swipe for some more cutesy smoothie bowls by her! Have you ever tried a blue smoothie? The secret ingredient is spirulina ✨ Blue spirulina is derived from a blue-green algae and is filled with antioxidants ? But I like to use it for the beautiful…