Credit @plantsforfit⠀

VEGAN CHRISTMAS MEALSWhat are your MEAL PLANS for XMAS?⠀ Credit @plantsforfit⠀ ⠀…

[ad_1] VEGAN CHRISTMAS MEALS?What are your MEAL PLANS for XMAS??⠀ Credit @plantsforfit✨⠀ ➖⠀ ? CHRISTMAS is coming closer and closer and since I got a few DM’s asking if I could give you some MEAL IDEAS, here I have for YOU probably my favorite CHRISTMAS MEAL IDEAS! Most likely I will do another post where I…

#ad #I’ll much rather be outside doing some Christmas shopping or enjoying some …

#ad #I’ll much rather be outside doing some Christmas shopping or enjoying some …

[ad_1] #ad #I’ll much rather be outside doing some Christmas shopping or enjoying some of the lead-up-to-Christmas festivities currently taking place, but lo and behold, student life allows for no such luxuries ? ~ It’s not all doom and gloom though, these @grazedotcom wow bakes have been a great study companion. At only 94kcal and…

{NEW} Skinny Turkey Wraps + Creamy Tahini Sauce
{ Well guys, Christmas is now j…

{NEW} Skinny Turkey Wraps + Creamy Tahini Sauce { Well guys, Christmas is now j…

[ad_1] {NEW} Skinny Turkey Wraps + Creamy Tahini Sauce ?‍♀️??? { Well guys, Christmas is now just four days away…which means we are deep in holiday parties, baking, and neighbors dropping fudge off on our front porches. I’m a firm supporter of plenty of healthy carbs throughout our day to be used as fuel and…

{NEW} Fresh Christmas Salad with Homemade Orange Honey Dressing
{ It’s easy to …

{NEW} Fresh Christmas Salad with Homemade Orange Honey Dressing { It’s easy to …

[ad_1] {NEW} Fresh Christmas Salad with Homemade Orange Honey Dressing ? { It’s easy to fill up on heavy foods this time of year…they are everywhere! It’s almost surprising when someone brings a fresh, bright salad to a Christmas party! I dare you to surprise them! Yep, seriously. Bring your own food. If you are…