All fresh fruit is good. We all know this. Fruit with a high sugar content is al…

All fresh fruit is good. We all know this. Fruit with a high sugar content is al…

All fresh fruit is good. We all know this. Fruit with a high sugar content is also good in the sense that it will provide us with nutrients, energy and hydration. However (not to put a downer on it), fruit still contains calories – some higher, some lower just like any food. Food is Food…

Mini Cinnamon Roll Cereal (airfryer option)  Okay, not my usual content, don’t g…

Mini Cinnamon Roll Cereal (airfryer option) Okay, not my usual content, don’t g…

Mini Cinnamon Roll Cereal (airfryer option) ? Okay, not my usual content, don’t get upset with me you silly algorithm ? ? So I’m really a sucker for all food trends, & just had to come up with my own mini cereal recipe. Yeah I know, it’s not mini pancakes, I just thought mini cinnamon…