Mini Cinnamon Roll Cereal (airfryer option)  Okay, not my usual content, don’t g…

Mini Cinnamon Roll Cereal (airfryer option) Okay, not my usual content, don’t g…


Mini Cinnamon Roll Cereal (airfryer option) ? Okay, not my usual content, don’t get upset with me you silly algorithm ? ? So I’m really a sucker for all food trends, & just had to come up with my own mini cereal recipe. Yeah I know, it’s not mini pancakes, I just thought mini cinnamon rolls would look so much cuter & would be wayyyy more fun to make & of course EAT…. and at this particular moment in time my kids love me and it has EvERyTHiNG to do with the results shown Enjoy!! Oh, and it’s a super easy recipe.
What you need: 1 tube of refrigerated vegan biscuits (16oz), 1/3 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar, 1 tbl cinnamon powder, 1/4 cup melted vegan butter For The Glaze: 1 cup organic powdered sugar, 2 tbl nondairy milk, 1 tsp nondairy butter, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1️⃣ Separate biscuits, then half each biscuit, through their depth, leaving you with 16 circles. Roll each out as thin as you can to make an oval shape
2️⃣ Brush with melted butter, sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar
3️⃣Roll up ovals starting at the bottom to form a small log, cut the log with a sharp knife into individual 1/2 in cinnamon rolls
4️⃣ Place mini rolls onto parchment paper, bake at 350 till golden, about 8-12 min. Or bake on parchment lined airfryer at 320 F for 5-7 min – flipping half way through. Cook in batches or use 1/4 quantities of recipe ingredients
5️⃣While rolls are baking, mix glaze ingredients
6️⃣Top warm cinnamon roll cereal with glaze. Enjoy!! ?

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