A Day of Eating: 1890 Calories with 112g Protein, 32g Fat, and 261g Carbs by @healt…

A Day of Eating: 1890 Calories with 112g Protein, 32g Fat, and 261g Carbs by @healt…

Full Day of Eating: 1890Calories⠀ Protein: 112g, Fat: 32g, Carbs: 261⠀ By @healthymealsberlin ✨⠀ ———————————————————————⠀ Hey Foodies,⠀ mealprep packed with 1890⠀ Vegetarian and high protein calories :)⠀ As always I am starting with Oats, followed by potato’s, gnocchi and salad ?? Here we go:⠀ ——————————————————————— First Meal:⠀ Oats & Smarties! 613Kcal – Protein: 42g, Fat:…

Reasons to Go Vegan: #1 For The Animals #2 For The Environment #3 For Your Healt…

Reasons to Go Vegan: #1 For The Animals #2 For The Environment #3 For Your Healt…

[ad_1] Reasons to Go Vegan: #1 For The Animals #2 For The Environment #3 For Your Health #4 For The Food (see photo above). I am almost 2 years into my vegan journey. Learning so much, with still so much to learn. Love to @justmush. The first vegan I ever met, who I could totally…

Sleep is super important for your overall healt…

FOODS TO AVOID BEFORE SLEEP ⠀ -⠀ Sleep is super important for your overall healt…

[ad_1] ?FOODS TO AVOID BEFORE SLEEP ?⠀ -⠀ Sleep is super important for your overall health but also for how you feel, if you don’t sleep well you can’t function at your best. ?️⠀ -⠀ What you eat can have a big impact on your sleep, we all know not to drink coffee just before…