Simply place a whole grain or gluten free wrap on a flat service, spread with yo…

Simply place a whole grain or gluten free wrap on a flat service, spread with yo…

[ad_1] ✔️Simply place a whole grain or gluten free wrap on a flat service, spread with your favorite nut butter or allergy free alternative, and slice a banana on top. Roll up and enjoy! . By @plantyou ✨ ?‍?What’s your go-to snack?!
. #snack #snacks #vegansnack #veganlunch #lunchideas #snackideas #vegandiet #wfpb #wfpbdiet #plantbased #plantpowered #plantprotein #eatmoreplants…

#plantpowered and proud!
Grapes are highly valued in eastern medicine as a blo…

#plantpowered and proud! ~ Grapes are highly valued in eastern medicine as a blo…

[ad_1] #plantpowered and proud! ~ ?Grapes are highly valued in eastern medicine as a blood tonic. They are thought to contain valuable salts that build and purify the blood, boost blood flow to the brain, improve levels of concentration and promote the cleansing function of the kidney and liver. Black grapes with both black skin…

Chickpea Massoman Curry
Remade this curry because I enjoyed it so much (and want…

Chickpea Massoman Curry Remade this curry because I enjoyed it so much (and want…

[ad_1] ?Chickpea Massoman Curry? Remade this curry because I enjoyed it so much (and wanted to share again as maybe it looked like cheese sauce in the previous pic). I was also short on time and this is an easy one to whip up. ?Recipe: Sauté 1 finely chopped yellow onion in a little neutral…

Chickpea Massoman Curry-loaded sweet potatoes
This curry pairs well with any typ…

Chickpea Massoman Curry-loaded sweet potatoes This curry pairs well with any typ…

[ad_1] ?Chickpea Massoman Curry-loaded sweet potatoes? This curry pairs well with any type of sweet potato. (I used Japanese sweet potatoes.) The sweetness of the potato compliments the bold flavor of the curry perfectly. I highly, highly recommend this combo. ?Recipe: (Bake sweet potatoes.) Sauté 1 finely chopped yellow onion in a little neutral oil…

Cauliflower rice Mexican bean burgers (gluten-free) Just add your favorite burge…

Cauliflower rice Mexican bean burgers (gluten-free) Just add your favorite burge…

[ad_1] ?Cauliflower rice Mexican bean burgers (gluten-free)? Just add your favorite burger fillings and a bun! ?Recipe: (For this recipe, I used store-bought frozen cauliflower rice and frozen corn kernels. I added them to skillet still frozen but you can leave them out to defrost beforehand if you have time.) In non-stick skillet, sauté in…

Paskutinius kelis mėnesius be saldumynų negaliu nei dienos. Maitinančios mamos t…

Paskutinius kelis mėnesius be saldumynų negaliu nei dienos. Maitinančios mamos t…

[ad_1] Paskutinius kelis mėnesius be saldumynų negaliu nei dienos. Maitinančios mamos tikrai mane supras 🙂 Taigi, vis suku galvą, kaip sveikai tą norą patenkinti. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Įdarytos datulės – vienos mylimiausių mano skanumynų. Jau vien tai, kad bene pirmas soulfood įrašas buvo apie jas, tuo tikrai neleis abejoti. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Šį kartą beprotiškai skanus derinys: juodas šokoladas…

Tofu  Bok Choy  Dumplings!  we’re in love!
To find the  (& all of the  featured …

Tofu Bok Choy Dumplings! we’re in love! To find the (& all of the featured …

[ad_1] Tofu ? Bok Choy ? Dumplings! @woon.heng we’re in love! ?To find the #recipe, (& all of the #Vegan#recipes featured on this account) click the link in profile ?Featured on the Dumplings Feed on our Website | ⭐Keep tagging “#feedfeed @thefeedfeed” and REGISTER on for a chance to be featured here and…

We’re drooling over  Buffalo Chickpea and Broccoli Flatbreads! We’ll take two pl…

We’re drooling over Buffalo Chickpea and Broccoli Flatbreads! We’ll take two pl…

[ad_1] We’re drooling over @dishingouthealth’s Buffalo Chickpea and Broccoli Flatbreads! We’ll take two please!! ?? ?To find the #recipe, (& all of the #Vegan#recipes featured on this account) click the link in profile ?Featured on the Broccoli Feed on our Website | (Feed edited by @amytisch) ⭐Keep tagging “#feedfeed @thefeedfeed” and REGISTER on…

What’s your FAVORITE way to enjoy BANANAS? Recipe link in my profile ⠀⠀ A. Ban…

[ad_1] What’s your FAVORITE way to enjoy BANANAS? ? Recipe link in my profile @beamingbaker⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ A. Banana Nut Bread⠀ B. Banana Breakfast Cookies⠀ C. Best Moist Banana Chocolate Chip Bread ⬅️ THIS RECIPE! ?⠀ D. __________________⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Try my favorite & best moist banana bread of all time. You’ll LOVE IT.⠀ xo, Demeter…

How nourishing and delish this looks!!! ? This is Post Workout Nourish Bowl ?Ch…

[ad_1] How nourishing and delish this looks!!! ? This is @healthyeating_jo’s Post Workout Nourish Bowl ?Chickpeas, Avocado ? steamed broccoli ? brown rice ? and curry spiced cauliflower. All topped with hot sauce ? . Thanks @veganbowls for sharing!!! #veganbowl #buddhabowl #plantpowered #vegansofig #veganfoodshare #plantbased #healthy #veganfoodshare #whatveganseat #veganfood #crueltyfree #eatclean #cleaneating #healthyfood [ad_2]…