Which side would you choose and why? Let me know below!⠀
Recently I was chatt…

Which side would you choose and why? Let me know below!⠀ .⠀ Recently I was chatt…

[ad_1] Which side would you choose and why? Let me know below!??⠀ .⠀ Recently I was chatting with an old client of mine, and we were discussing how far she’s come since finishing my weight loss program. As we reconnected, she described our 1st coaching call together and the exact moment she realized she had…

Double tap if you love delicious, quick kid-friendly recipes.⠀
These cookies …

Double tap if you love delicious, quick kid-friendly recipes.⠀ .⠀ These cookies …

[ad_1] Double tap❤️ if you love delicious, quick kid-friendly recipes.⠀ .⠀ These cookies are 100% #kidapproved and a perfect afternoon snack with a cup of milk. .⠀ . ⠀ To make these you need: 1c rolled oats, 1 ripe banana, 1tsp vanilla essence, 1tsp cinnamon and 1/4c chocolate chips (optional)⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Preheat the oven…

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Chocolate can definitely be included in a balanced diet ESPECIALLY on a Fr…

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Chocolate can definitely be included in a balanced diet ESPECIALLY on a Fr…

[ad_1] ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Chocolate can definitely be included in a balanced diet ESPECIALLY on a Friday night! ⠀ If your like me and enjoy more than 2-3 pieces of chocolate (or more ?) at a time THEN this method is for you! It creates a larger volume and lasts a hell of a lot…