The 9 Best Foods to Eat Before Bed
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Almond. Almonds are a source of melatonin…

The 9 Best Foods to Eat Before Bed – – Almond. Almonds are a source of melatonin…

[ad_1] The 9 Best Foods to Eat Before Bed – – ?Almond. Almonds are a source of melatonin and the sleep-promoting mineral magnesium, two properties that make them a great food to eat before bed. – ?Turkey. Turkey may be a great food to eat before bed due to its high content of protein and…

Green Mondays
Green vegetables are a great source of cancer-fighting phytoche…

Green Mondays • Green vegetables are a great source of cancer-fighting phytoche…

[ad_1] ?Green Mondays ? • Green vegetables are a great source of cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Try not to cook your vegetables until they become super mushy or else you lose most of these phytochemicals, try to keep your vegetables al dente. • A great way to absorb these cancer-fighting phytochemicals is to eat them with nuts…

LENTIL NOURISH BOWL  Lentils are an amazing source of plant-based iron, protein …

LENTIL NOURISH BOWL Lentils are an amazing source of plant-based iron, protein …

[ad_1] LENTIL NOURISH BOWL ✨ Lentils are an amazing source of plant-based iron, protein and fiber, so I’m always trying to incorporate them into my meals. I usually use them for burgers, vegan ‘meatballs’ and soups, but they were such a simple addition to this quick lunchtime bowl. I added a good source of vitamin…

Grated Egg + Avocado Toast
#HappyNewWeek .
Eggs are a GREAT source of inexpen…

Grated Egg + Avocado Toast #HappyNewWeek . . Eggs are a GREAT source of inexpen…

[ad_1] Grated Egg + Avocado Toast ?? #HappyNewWeek . . Eggs are a GREAT source of inexpensive, high quality protein. . Protein cuts cravings and reduces desire for late-night snacking. Eating plenty of protein can reduce muscle loss, which can also help keep your metabolic rate higher as you lose body fat. Eggs are also…