Green Mondays
Green vegetables are a great source of cancer-fighting phytoche…

Green Mondays • Green vegetables are a great source of cancer-fighting phytoche…


?Green Mondays ?

Green vegetables are a great source of cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Try not to cook your vegetables until they become super mushy or else you lose most of these phytochemicals, try to keep your vegetables al dente.

A great way to absorb these cancer-fighting phytochemicals is to eat them with nuts and seeds because they provide beneficial fats that help you absorb them.

Try to eat your nuts and seeds with the meal that contains the highest amount of green vegetables. You can do this by adding nuts and seeds to your dressing (or like I’ve done here with chickpeas to make hummus), or you can simply sprinkle them on your salad or green leafy vegetables.

Where possible try to eat your nuts and seeds raw because it keeps the beneficial fats intact. Aim to eat at least 1oz (30g) of them per day.

In my super simple bowl today, baked potato cakes (recipe coming soon) with ?, peas and homemade hummus. I had no tahini at home so I used raw sesame seeds and it worked perfectly ?

Would you eat this or this way too simple for you? My husband reckons it’s way too simple ?

#plantbasedfood #nutritiontips #greenbowl



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